November 3, 2023

Nov 03 2023 - Democrat crime? No problem!

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Episode Transcript

Americans already know that Obama’s Justice Department “and yes I say Obama because it’s his 3rd term and Biden is just a figurehead) the Justice Department has one set of laws for Democrats. and another set of laws for Patriots. For instance, Patriots are called “insurrectionists” Democrats are called “protesters.” What’s the difference? 20 years in jail. Charles Littlejohn who worked for the IRS released thousands of tax returns to the press.  But only those of rich Republicans, and of course Donald Trump’s. And they were leaked out to the American public. Each released tax return is a felony. Chrles Littlejohn released thousands of them! What was his penalty? Less than a year in prison, if you call a cushy white-color resort “prison.” But no real punishment because he was only destroying Patriots.

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