November 15, 2022

Nov 15 2022 - Will Democrats destroying America improve the world?

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Episode Transcript

There’s an old saying, those who beat their swords into to plow shares will plow for those who don’t. We’re seeing this happening right now, all over the world. President Biden has shut down our fossil fuel industry. And just last week, proclaimed an end to coal fired electric plants. In the meantime, the rest of the world is building coal fired electric plants. And the rest of the world is buying coal from other countries when America has one of the greatest supplies of coal in the world. By the way, we also have the greatest supply of natural gas and oil. But Biden hates that too. So Biden has beaten our swords into plow shares, and they’re not applying for us. The rest of the world is taking full advantage of our stupidity. When will liberals learn? You can’t help the world by destroying America.

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