November 16, 2022

Nov 16 2022 - After a disaster, do you see a Prius on the way to help? Or a good old boy in a diesel truck?

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Episode Transcript

When America suffers a natural disaster, who looks like a hero these days? After Hurricane Ian, I didn’t see a lot of Prius drivers or windmill powered social justice warriors coming to save the day. I saw diesel trucks, internal combustion generators, heavy tractors and a whole lot of bearded, good old boys putting in some of that toxic masculinity and working to save lives and rebuild society. I saw the backbone of America, the hard working men and women of the middle class. I’m not sure why the social justice people, the cancer culture, and the woke generation, is revered or even respected. We don’t see them on the battlefield and defending the country. Hecks, we don’t even see them cleaning up after a picnic. They leave that up to people they consider Barbarians. And that would include you and me.

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
