November 17, 2022

Nov 17 2022 - Satanic entertainment on its way to Virginia!

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Episode Transcript

When I lived in Atlanta, I wanted to go see the movie, Mohammed, Prophet of God. But when I got there, the theatre was closed. The manager of the theater told me that Muslims had called him and would burn down his theater if he showed the movie. When Muslims make a threat like that, people obey the Muslims because they know they’re not kidding around. Here in central Virginia at a school in Forest, a show will be presented by the Satanic Temple. I looked them up and their latest thing is supporting abortion at any time, even after the baby’s born. Lots of other things too. But mainly supporting abortion. We saw the vote last week on how many American women bow at the temple of Satan, because Satan supports abortion. It wasn’t too long ago that no loving father would allow his children to attend a school where a show like that would be shown.

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