November 21, 2022

Nov 21 2022 - The power and wealth from Covid!

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Episode Transcript

The people who gain power and money in their support for COVID and vaccinations and the masks are now asking for amnesty. The American Federation of teachers are now saying, “yes, it was bad to lock down the schools and the children suffered from it.” They want amnesty, but they’re not apologizing. Schools were shut down and kids were hurt. In fact, they’re being hurt right now! For two years children didn’t get natural immunity because they weren’t exposed to germs and they were kept out of school so they wouldn’t be exposed to Coven, which one in 5,000,000 would die from. What a horrific price they paid and the world paid for those who developed the virus, and the vaccinations, and vote by mail election fraud that put Democrats into power and became rich and powerful from the misery they imposed on America and the world.

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
