Nov 23 2022 - Hating America's Success and Trump
Episode Transcript
Last week, President Trump announced that he was going to run again, and a lot of good people are against it. No thinking person can criticize Donald Trump for what he did while he was president. We were energy independent. Inflation was low. Unemployment, especially black unemployment, was the lowest in history. The invasion of our southern border was stopped. We were at peace with the world, no wars anywhere. The list goes on and on. He was a fabulous president who was under assault on a daily basis from the mainstream media, from the Democrats, from the deep state and from a lot of RINO Republicans who have no business calling themselves Republicans. So when I hear the main critique, “there’s too much drama,” I have to ask, who brought the drama? America’s enemies, because they can’t stand America’s success or the man who fought so hard to bring it to us.
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