Nov 29 2023 - Banks say "Trump committed NO fraud!"
Episode Transcript
Donald Trump is being tried in New York City for bank fraud. New York is seeking $250,000,000 in penalties, and a ruling that prevents the Trump organization from doing business in the state. What are the charges? Trump overvalued his business to get cheaper loans. The biggest lender, Deutsche Bank, had something to say about that! They said Deutsche Bank looks over every loan, and we determine what we think the business is worth. If we didn’t think Trump’s business was worth what he said it was. he wouldn’t have gotten the loans. And Deutsche Bank made a nice profit by lending Trump the money. Well, the problem is the Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Angeron (you know the pervert that likes to pose naked on tick tock” said “Trump was guilty.” In fact, he said Trump was guilty before the trial even began! What is it with America-haters, that they hate Trump so bad as well?
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