October 2, 2024

Oct 02 2024 - Liberal love for Terrorists

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Episode Transcript

The Biden administration recently decided to allow three Taliban terrorists to continue killing us.  Terrorists were released from Guantanamo Bay and like all the other terrorists that have been released, they’re going to continue their killing. I remember President Obama trading 12 top Taliban commanders in exchange for an army deserter named Beau Bergdahl, who was responsible for two Americans getting killed. Obama had wanted to trade Christopher Stevens, our ambassador in Libya. Christopher Stevens was supposed to be kidnapped, but instead he and three American heroes got killed. And Obama’s plan to trade a diplomat in exchange for the Taliban commanders fell short of his goal. I don’t know what it is with liberals. Why they’re so adamantly against Americans and for terrorists. Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197.

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