October 6, 2023

Oct 06 2023 - The cost of Courage

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Episode Transcript

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was considered a Christian hero during Hitler’s assault on the world. Bonhoeffer went up against Hitler when very few other pastors would. And Bonhoeffer was hanged just two weeks before the war ended. He wrote a book, The cost of discipleship.” The cost is rather high, but well worth it. I thought of Bonhoeffer last week when my congressman Bob Goode voted to oust Kevin McCarthy. He and seven other Republican congressmen decided McCarthy wasn’t fit to be speaker of the house. He was a nice gentle “go along to get along” kind of guy, and he capitulated to the Democrats. And in 45 days the government’s going to shut down again - unless we capitulate again. Or if we finally demand that Biden close the border. Courage can be costly. Thank you Bob.

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