Oct 07 2023 - Educate or kids in Ugandan schools!
Episode Transcript
My latest trip to Uganda made me angry again about America’s education system! We were conducting a medical mission inside a schoolhouse in northern Uganda. I was looking at the whiteboard and saw trigonometry and algebraic equations. I asked the headmaster, “What grade is that?” He replied, “number 5, 10 year-olds.” I asked, “what is the tuition here?” He said, “30 US dollars per semester.” I got to thinking about our education system. In Baltimore for instance, $17,000 per year per student. And none tested proficient in either math or language! Our education system is turning out democratic politicians, or welfare recipients. I wish we could send Baltimore’s kids to Uganda. It’d be so much cheaper to have them educated - and sent back, knowing something useful.
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