October 10, 2024

Oct 10 2024 - Billions for illegals. Helene victims? Too bad.

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Episode Transcript

Last week I had a bit of money so I hired a truck, filled it up with food, and sent it down to North Carolina. Later I was deeply disturbed when I saw military helicopter hovering over the staging area, and the rotator wash from the helicopter blew stuff everywhere. Why would they do that? Perhaps it’s because liberals hate rural Americans, especially Trump voter. And the people hard hit by Helene are the rural Trump voters. Maybe that’s why David Axelrod said, Don’t be in a hurry to set up voting locations or issue absentee ballots to rural Western North Carolina.” Aid to rural North Carolina voters and other GOP areas is being denied for political reasons. When Biden bothered to show up and after the local private charities and volunteers were there working, the over-paid bureaucrats often interfered with ongoing help, and even tried to shut it down.Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA.  Call 434-455-7197.

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