October 22, 2023

Oct 22 2023 - Demonic treatment od Jan 6 protesters

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Episode Transcript

America’s Constitution requires a speedy trial in front of a jury of the defendant’s peers, but what’s the one word that will keep that from happening? The word is “insurrectionist.” You see, the people who protested the election of 2020 and were invited into the Capitol (yes, watch the videotapes!) are now languishing in prison. Their cells are dirty, full of mold, and damp. The people there are fed the worst food. And for them, America is a 3rd world country led by dictators who are going to make them pay for questioning the election of America’s dictators. I’m not really sure how we could have slipped so far from the words of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to what we have now. The way that January sixth protesters have been treated for the last thousand days is simply demonic!

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
