October 26, 2023

Oct 26 2023 - Betray Trump or go to prison

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Episode Transcript

Let’s suppose you’re in a third world banana republic and the government accused you of something. If you would turn evidence on a friend, you would NOT rot in prison for 20 years. What would you do? The question isn’t theoretical,, because it’s not a banana republic. Not until now anyway. It’s America! And Mr Trump’s former attorneys and friends are being offered a prison sentence - or they plead guilty that they tried to overturn the election. And they agreed to testify against Mr Trump.  That, OR twenty years in the federal gulag. Somewhat like the January sixth protesters are enduring now.  Do you really think this is about Mister Trump, is it about their need for status quo. Last week we saw the Republicans vote against status quo by electing Mike Johnson House Speaker. Could be Republicans are going to grow a spine, and stand up against the tyranny facing Trump’s friends?

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