September 1, 2023

Sept 01 2023 - Pray for Trump. The Deep State plays deadly!

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Episode Transcript

I think the Democrats and the Deep State have overplayed their hand in their attempt to destroy Donald Trump. Let’s see now. We had the Russian collusion, we had two phony impeachments, we’ve had four indictments. And everything we’ve seen is unconstitutional. Everything we’ve seen is based on fraud - including the 2020 election. Adam Corolla was interviewing Tucker Carlson the other day and Tucker said, “What does the deep state have left? Donald Trump was making a synergy independent, he kept us out of war, the economy was great, inflation was almost zero, and he absolutely must be stopped! If he’s elected again, he’ll bring the people who did this to him, and to our country, to justice. I’m praying for Donald Trump’s safety, because the deep state doesn’t play nice. They play deadly.

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
