Sept 03 2023 - Abusing our trust to make Big Pharma billion$!
Episode Transcript
Terrorists said that they used America’s freedom as a tool for their attack on America. The Deep State, Dr Fauci, and the World Health Organization, used America’s trust to bring the COVID pandemic to America. Now that we’re learning that the vaccinations aren’t working. And they aren’t really vaccinations! What else did they tell us that simply wasn’t true? Their vaccinations were supposed to stop the disease from happening. But in fact the Covic vaccination made your immune system not only more susceptible to Covid, but to other forms of flu, colds and nearly anything else. We’ve learned that a whole lot of people got sick, and a whole lot of people died after the vaccinations! How did the government do that to us?! It was our trust. We trusted them. And now that we know the pharmaceutical companies and Dr Fauci became unbelievably rich from this. Those who got the vaccinations are either very angry, or they’re needlessly defending their decisions.
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