September 23, 2023

Sept 23 2023 - Why are state Attorney Generals Cowards?

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Episode Transcript

Why is it so easy for city district attorneys to indict President Trump on political charges with no proof? And why is it so hard to get our state attorney generals to indict Hunter Biden on any of the easily proven crimes that he did in their states? We’ve witnessed the Soros-appointed district attorneys attempt to destroy Trump’s chances of becoming President again by having him indicted on crimes they’ve manufactured. Last week a reporter asked Mr Trump, “You’ve been indicted four times. Why don’t you drop out of the race? Mr Trump answered, “I’ve been indicted four times by Joe Biden. It’s all political stuff to stop me because he knows I’m going to beat him in 2024.” And the Deep State knows that Trump absolutely has to be defeated, or the United States is going to thrive again.

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
