September 25, 2023

Sept 25 2023 - The coming American Civil War

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Episode Transcript

For the last 50 years the Deep State has been planning, and now executing, the coming civil war in America. Oh, the Civil War won’t be between the states, and it won’t be about slavery. It’ll be between parents who care about their kids, and the LGBTQ activists we’re trying to destroy their kids. It will be between the producers and the takers. It will be between Americans, who for generations have built their lives here, and the millions of Biden’s invaders, and Biden’s cartels, that are bringing in invaders ready to reap everything that’s been sown. It will be Christians, Catholics, and Jews, who finally wake up and discover the Deep State is working hard to destroy their freedom of religion. For a deeper analysis, go to and listen to “The coming civil war in America.”

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
